Friday, March 25, 2011

Dear World,

Dear World,
I thought I'd let you know that I'm getting a little fed up with the crap you throw at me. You're like an annoying monkey that won't stop flinging poop at the discouraged zoo keeper. Stop it! I mean really? Next thing I know it I'll be walking down a street, it'll start raining, a car will zoom by splashing me with water, my shoe will fall apart, i'll trip in a pile of mud, a squirrel will run over and pee on me, and after all the fun of the adventure I'll get home only to realize I locked myself out of the house and forgot my cell phone in a store. The police will come to our house looking for a person that just happens to look like me, I'll be innocent and go to jail until they realize they have the wrong person. My dad will drive me home from jail, I'll take a shower, the water will be cold, and I'll go to bed. As I'm laying in bed amazed at the horrible day my bed will break and I'll sleep on the floor. Except I won't sleep because I won't be able to. If that happens I've officially reached rock bottom. Watch now that I've posted this it'll happen, and along with all that my friends will suddenly decide to text me and tell me they hate me. With my luck you never know, it could happen. So come on world, let's be nice and cut Chaco a break.
I feel like the squirrel will look like this...

And the monkey thing would look sorta like this...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Ooops I almost killed my neglected blog

Wow this poor blog, I got it all started and everything. It was created into the internet world and I left it all alone. I feel like a horrible parent. I was just recently informed of the story of my blog growing up on it's own so I'll do my best to re-tell it.

A Blog was born a couple years ago in 2009? I don't even know my own blog's birthday. Anyways I posted one comment and left the blog to face the cold cruel world of the internet all alone. It grew up fighting with other neglected blogs for food, for attention, for comments, but no one came. Starved of comments and attention A Blog relied on alcohol and drugs to get through life. Livin' the shady life, lookin at for itself and building anger towards it's creater. Me.

A couple days I was strolling through the internet when I came upon blogspot. It had been along time and I didn't know what to expect. Crazy changes? Futuristic technology? Potatoes? I had no idea and that's how I came upon my neglected little blog. I approached it slowly as it hissed and scurried into a corner. It was surrounded by beer bottles and litter. How it had fallen, from the shiny new born to the hateful creature cowering before me. "Are you A Blog?" I asked quietly. Its response was several grunts and mumbling. I don't even think the thing learned how to talk. Anyways, it most definitely was A Blog so I took it in and cleaned it up. I took away the alcohol and the drugs and replaced them with happiness and sunshine. A Blog is on a path to recovery so hopefully I won't forget it again.

-Sorry love,